The Everyday Life of the Guarani Woman MBYA, the Eyes of the Past on the Lens of the Present
In this paper we present a proposal for an investigative methodology, with photography as a decolonial tool, part of the results of research with women from a Guarani village in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The article explains the method for identify the everyday productions of the Guarani woman Mbya using the imaginary language of photography and reflecting from the postcolonial and decolonial thought proposed by Jaxuka, daughter of the cacique-was the visual presentism of the invisible past. The following article stick to this snippet presenting variations of the use of photography as a means of presentism the past, establishing reflections that refer to the affirmation narratives contained therein and their relevance to intergenerational transmission processes.Keywords
Communities, Mbya guarani women, Everyday life, Imaging language, Collective MemoryReferences
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