About the endurance of developmentalism: The need for a conceptual turn.


  • Gisela Ruiseco Estudios de doctorado en Psicología Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Grupo de investigación "Fractalidades en investigación crítica" (F.I.C).


The imperative to develop has a long history of criticisms and adjustments since its genesis after World War II. In spite of this, as I argue here, we continue situating ourselves inside the imaginary of development, reproducing its classifications and power relations. In this article I would like to call for a turn in our way of understanding and using the concept of "development". I argue that to continue thinking in its terms means to continue reproducing its logic of dichotomous identities (world population categorization in developed/ underdeveloped), it means as well to continue blocking "other" modalities of being and of knowledge and to obscure different ways of understanding the problems which humanity faces. I will also reflect upon the andean concept of "Living Well" as an illustration of the possibilities of imagining beyond developmentalism.


Development discourse, Coloniality, Power, Postdevelopment

Author Biography

Gisela Ruiseco, Estudios de doctorado en Psicología Social en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Grupo de investigación "Fractalidades en investigación crítica" (F.I.C).


Gisela Ruiseco was born in Colombia. She finished her graduate studies in Psychology at the University of Vienna (with the title Magister phil. im Fach Psychologie). Her main research interests are in the areas of critical discourse analysis, development discourse, critical social psychology, postcolonial/decolonial studies, and Latin American studies.  




How to Cite

Ruiseco, G. (2009). About the endurance of developmentalism: The need for a conceptual turn. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, (16), 125–135. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n16.671


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