Inventive conversation and its poetic and political condition: speech and the exercise of freedom



In this essay, I set out to construct a philosophical-conceptual sketch of so-called inventive conversation, with its poetic-political implications and contrasts to conventional or reproductive conversation. To this end, I turn to Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s notion of rhizome as a fundamental via for the analysis, due to this reflection’s heuristic potential and the broad possibilities for interpretative connection it generates in relation to ideas that emerge from diverse sources. First, the approach recovers some basic elements of the pragmatic-discursive perspective in the study of conversation as the primary figure of orality, before continuing to reflect on the defining elements of an inventive conversation (minoritary, creative, or unpredictable) necessarily related to ambiences of freedom through the characters and principles of the rhizomatic. The article ends with a brief conjugation of a political linkage that is anti-fascist in nature.


Inventive conversation, Rhizome, Poetics, Politics, Freedom


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How to Cite

García, R. E. (2024). Inventive conversation and its poetic and political condition: speech and the exercise of freedom. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 24(1), e3547.


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