Gender binarism in secondary schools: a system that generates violence



Gender binarism is a form of classification and attribute assignment that presupposes the unique existence of two genders among humans. In this article, I analyze how this binary is expressed in high schools and what effects it can have on trans* and/or non-binary students. To this end, I conducted a qualitative study based on two discussion groups. The participants included three trans youth and two non-binary youth, on the one hand, and seven cisgender students from a Secondary Education Institute (IES) on the other; both groups were from Jaén, Spain. The results revealed that the gender binary is rooted and naturalized in high schools and that there are still practices that perpetuate it. On the other hand, it has been found that sustaining gender binary can have a negative impact on trans* and/or non-binary students, both by forcing the concealment of identity and by promoting situations of bullying based on identity and/or gender expression (SOIGE).


Education, Gender binarism, Identity, Bullying, Bullying by SOIGE


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How to Cite

Calligo, R. A. (2024). Gender binarism in secondary schools: a system that generates violence. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 24(1), e3330.


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