Surveilled citizenship or citizen monitoring? Two conflicting approaches to the relationship between technology and democracy



The digital transformation of society has given rise to two opposing currents in their interpretation of the relationship between technology and democracy. On the one hand, companies and institutions gather and process increasing amounts of information on citizens to optimise decision-making. On the other, civil society finds in digital technologies a tool for power monitoring and citizen complaint. In this article we analyse these two approaches, which draw from different democratic traditions and pursue distinct objectives, which we call surveillance democracy and monitory democracy. We do so by paying attention to both their procedural dimension, relating to the characteristics and limitations of the processes and methods proposed, and their substantive dimension, concerning their principles and theoretical foundations. Finally, we put forward proposals aimed at moving towards a fair technological development that contributes to strengthening and deepening democratic systems.


Digital technology, Political participation, Democracy, Surveillance, Political monitoring


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How to Cite

Suárez-Gonzalo, S., & Feenstra, R. A. (2023). Surveilled citizenship or citizen monitoring? Two conflicting approaches to the relationship between technology and democracy. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 23(2), e3432.


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