Analysis of an institutionalization process of university Service-Learning



Many universities have engaged in the institutionalization of Service-Learning, due to its potential to approach objectives such as professionalization or social commitment. These endeavors are diverse and complex. We analyze the Service-Learning experiences developed in our university during the academic year 2018-2019, as a study case, to approach the phenomena and create knowledge about the big picture of Service-Learning in an institutional level. Through a data collection constituted by written reports and interviews, three dimensions emerged: orientation of Service-Learning experience towards learning, social impact and the organizational structure of the experiences. The results showed the scope of goals and the strategies to attempt them, both towards education and social impact. We also found three main patterns in which the experiences are organized. The conclusions draw in the possibility of building on the strategies of experiences towards common good to transcend the current university model.


Higher education, Service Learning, Qualitative analysis, Educational institutions, Content analysis


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How to Cite

García-Romero, D., Lalueza, J. L., & Blanch Gelabert, S. (2021). Analysis of an institutionalization process of university Service-Learning. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 21(3), e-2934.


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