Baby boom generation´s agency and participation in old age: claiming alternative spaces
In a context of socio-demographic transformation, the ageing of certain generations, such as the baby boom generation, involve the demand of new social participation spaces. This invites us to explore the diversification of conceptualizations about social participation in members of this generation located at different times regarding their entry into the retirement period, pre/post (50-73 years). For this purpose, we conducted four discussion groups, whose analysis of data content allowed us to interpret meanings around three axes: interaction with others, forms of participation and social contribution. Finally, we address the challenges arising from the process of re-signifying of social participation; among others, the need to actively promote autonomy, self-determination, the development of spaces of agency and social valuation of present and future older people.Keywords
Social participation, Ageing, Social interaction, Agency, Baby boom generationReferences
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