Language Governance in the Basque Autonomous Community: neoliberal rationality and community claims



Language policy governance in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) has been led by heterogeneous actors that have shifted from open antagonism towards new dynamics of collaboration. We have analyzed this governance through the actors’ programmatic texts, paying special attention to the institutional discourse, to the latter’s relation with neoliberal rationality, and to social and communitarian demands in favor of a governance model focused on the community. To this end, we present the analytical framework that will guide the analysis: the implicit neoliberal rationality in public policies and the influence of alternative rationalities in the normalization of minoritized languages. We also present the main discursive topics and their context. Finally, we present the governance model that the actors of the normalization of Basque language are currently negotiating in the BAC.


Language Policy, Governance, Neo-liberalism, Community Participation, Social Movement


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Apodaka, Universidad del País Vasco

Licenciado en Filosofía y doctor en Sociología por la UPV/ EHU. Actualmente profesor asociado del Departamento de Psicología Social de la UPV/EHU

Jordi Morales, Universidad del País Vasco

Jordi Morales i Gras es doctor en Sociología por la UPV/EHU. Actualmente se dedica a la dirección de proyectos de Big Data, Análisis de Redes y Machine Learning en la consultora Network Outsight, de la que es socio y fundador.



How to Cite

Apodaka, E., & Morales, J. (2021). Language Governance in the Basque Autonomous Community: neoliberal rationality and community claims. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 21(1), e–2667.


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