Mapping Affect Studies


  • Ali Lara University of East London


This editorial for the special issue Mapping Affect Studies, I briefly introduce the relevance to explore the intersections between affect studies and other relevant fields for social sciences and humanities. To create a frame to explore such intersections, I explore the affective turn in relation to its epistemological/ontological assumptions, its methodological challenges, and the politics of the affective turn. Then, I offer some notes on two intersections with fields that are missing in this Special issue: the intersection between affect and feminism, and affect and disability. I finish this introduction by presenting the articles of the special issue.


Ontology, Methodology, Epistemology, Politics, Affect studies


Abramowsky, Ana & Canevaro, Santiago (2017). Pensar los afectos. Aproximaciones desde las ciencias sociales y las humanidades. Buenos Aires: Ediciones UNGS.

Ahmed, Sara (2015). The Cultural Politics of Emotion. London: Routledge.

Bakko, Matthew & Merz, Sibille (2015). Towards an Affective Turn in Social Science Research? Theorising Affect, Rethinking Methods and (Re)Envisioning the Social. Graduate Journal of Social Sciences, 11(1), 7-14.

Barad, Karen (2014). Diffracting Diffraction: Cutting Together-Apart. Parallax, 20(3), 168-187.

Chamberlain, Prudence (2016). Affective temporality: towards a fourth wave. Gender & Education, 28(3), 458-464.

Chamberlain, Prudence (2017). The Feminist Fourth Wave. Affective Temporality. London: Palgrave.

Clough, Patricia (2004). Future Matters: Techno- science, Global Politics, and Cultural Criticism. Social Text, 22(3), 1-23.

Clough, Patricia (2009). The New Empiricism Affect and Sociological Method. European Journal of Social Theory, 12(1), 43-61.

Clough, Patricia (2018). The User Unconscious. Minneapolis: Minessota University Press.

Cromby, John (2015). Feeling bodies: Embodying psychology. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Cvetkovich, Anne (2012). Depression. A public feeling. Durham: Duke University Press.

Del Sarto, Ana (2012). Los afectos en los estudios culturales latinoamericanos. Cuerpos y subjetividades en Ciudad Juárez. Cuadernos de Literatura, 32, 41-68. Recuperado a partir de

Ellis, Darren & Tucker, Ian (2015). Social psychology of emotions. London, UK: Sage.

Enciso, Giazú & Lara, Ali (2014). Emociones y ciencias sociales en el S. XX: la precuela del giro afectivo. Athenea Digital, 14(1), 263-288.

Fisher, Claire (2016). Feminist Philosophy, Pragmatism, and the “Turn to Affect”: A Genealogical Critique. Hypatia, 31(4), 810-826.

Francica, Cinthya (2018). Comunidad, amistad y afecto en la literatura y las artes visuales argentinas durante la crisis de 2001. In Macarena Cordero Fernández, Pedro E. Moscoso-Flores & Antonia Viu (Eds.), Rastros y gestos de las emociones. Desbordes disciplinarios (pp. 491-525). Santiago de Chile: Cuarto Propio.

Gibbs, Anna (2002). Disaffected. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 16(3), 335-341.

Goodley, Daniel; Liddiard, Kristy & Runswick-Cole, Katherine (2018). Feeling disability: theories of affect and critical disability studies. Disability & Society, 33(2), 197-217.

Hemmings, Claire (2011). Why Stories Matter: The Political Grammar of Feminist Theory. Durham: Duke University Press.

Knudsen, Britta & Stage, Carsten (2015). Affective Methodologies: Developing Cultural Research Strategies for the Study of Affect. London: Palgrave McMillan.

Koivunen, Anu (2010). An Affective Turn? Reimagining the subject of feminist theory. In Marianne Liljeström & Susanna Paasonen (Eds.), Disturbing Differences: Working with Affect in Feminist Readings (pp. 8–28). London: Routledge.

Lara, Ali (2015). Teorias Afectivas Vintage. Apuntes sobre Deleuze, Bergson y Whitehead. Cinta de Moebio, 52, 17-36.

Lara, Ali (2017). Wine's time: Duration, Attunement and Diffraction. Subjectivity, 10(1), 104-122.

Lara, Ali (2018). Craving Assemblages: Consciousness and Chocolate Desire. Capacious, 1(2), 38-57.

Lara, Ali & Enciso, Giazú (2013). El giro afectivo. Athenea Digital, 13(3), 101-119.

Lara, Ali & Enciso, Giazú (2014). Ciencia, teoría social y cuerpo en el giro afectivo: esferas de articulación. Quaderns de Psicologia, 16(2), 7-25.

Lara, Ali, Liu, Wen, Ashley, Colin, Nishida, Akemi, Liebert, Rachel. & Billis, Michel (2017). Affect & Subjectivity. Subjectivity. 10, 30-43.

Leys, Ruth (2017). The Ascent of Affect. Genealogy and critique. London: The University of Chicago Press.

Liljeström, Marianne. & Paasonen, Susanna (2010). Working with Affect in Feminist Readings. London: Routledge.

López, Helena (2014). Amociones, afectividad y deminismo. In, A. García & O. Sabido (Eds.), Cuerpo y Afectividad en la Sociedad contemporánea (pp. 257-275). México D. F: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

Losiggio, Daniela & Macón, Cecilia (2017). Afectos Politicos. Ensayos sobre actualidad. Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila.

Martinez, Antar. & Lara, Ali (2019). Affective modulation in positive psychology’s regime of happiness. Theory & Psychology, 29(3), 336-357.

Massumi, Brian (2015). Politics of affect. Malden, MA: Polity.

Meillassoux, Quientin. (2012). After Finitude. An essay on the necessity of contingency. London: Continuum.

Nishida, Akemi (2017). Relating through differences: disability, affective relationality and the U.S. public healthcare assemblage. Subjectivity, 10(1), 89-103.

Parisi, Luciana & Goodman, Steve (2011). Mnemonic control. In P. T. Clough & C. Willse (Eds.), Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the governance of life and death (pp. 163–176). Durham: Duke University Press.

Pedwell, Carolyn. & Whitehead, Anne (2012). Affecting feminism: Questions of feeling in feminist theory. Feminist Theory, 13(2), 115-129.

Protevi, John (2009). Political affect: Connecting the social and the somatic. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Puar, Jasbir (2009). Prognosis time: Towards a geopolitics of affect, debility and capacity. Women & Performance: a Journal of Feminist Theory, 19, 161-172.

Puar, Jasbir (2017). The right to maim. Debility, Capacity, Disability. Durham: Duke University Press.

Rai, Amit (2018). Jugaad Time: Ecologies of Everyday Hacking in India. Durham: Duke University Press.

Seigworth, Gregory (2017). Capaciousness. Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry, 1(1), i-v. DOI:

Thrift, Nigel (2007). Non-representational theory: space, politics, affect. London: Routledge.

Vannini, Philip (2015). Non-Representational Methodologies. London: Routledge.

Wetherell, Margaret (2012). Affect and Emotion: A New Social Science Understanding. London: SAGE, Publications LTD.

Author Biography

Ali Lara, University of East London

Ali Lara is Lecturer in Psychology at the University of East London.  His researh is concerned with affect and emotion studies and his work has been published in journals like Theory & Psychology, Subjectivity, Capacious, The Senses & Society, etc.



How to Cite

Lara, A. (2020). Mapping Affect Studies. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 20(2), e-2812.


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