Education and Good-Living: Transdisciplinary Skills for Teachers´ Training


  • Javier Collado-Ruano Universidad Nacional de Educación
  • Mario Madroñero Morillo Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) de Ecuador
  • Freddy Javier Álvarez González Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) de Ecuador


The main objective of this article is to deal with the skills of teacher training, in order to contribute to a sustainable and regenerative development. It is urgent to transform the predatory behavior that the human being exerts on the Pachamama (Mother-Earth) to create a path towards the Good-Living. The theoretical framework brings an ecology of scientific knowledge and ancestral wisdom with a transdisciplinary methodology. In the first stage, the epistemic models of transdisciplinary education are analyzed: self-training, hetero-training, eco-training and onto-formation. The second stage summons the ancestral wisdom, the absolute, and alter-native to these epistemic models. The third stage presents Education for the Good Living as a pedagogical practice of transformation at an ontological, ethical, aesthetic, political, and scientific level. In conclusion, the study argues for a human cosmodernist training that integrates and combines the knowledge of an external physical universe with the self-knowledge of an inner spiritual universe.


Education for Good-Living, Transdisciplinary, Teachers´ Training, Cosmodernity


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Author Biographies

Javier Collado-Ruano, Universidad Nacional de Educación

Dr. Javier Collado Ruano is Titular Professor of the National University of Education in Ecuador. He teaches Global Citizenship Education, Sustainability, Philosophy of Education, History, and International Relations. He holds a PhD in the Multi-disciplinary Program of Creation of Knowledge by the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) and also a PhD in Philosophy by the University of Salamanca (Spain). Master Degree in Sociology of Education by the University of Seville (Spain) and Graduation in History by the University of Valencia (Spain) with specialization in International Relations and Archeology by the University of Palermo (Italy). He is founder and Director at Global Education Magazine (supported by UNESCO and UNHCR) and President at Education for Life NGO. He is also Academic Member of the Big History Institute (Australia), Academic Member at World Biomimetic Foundation (Spain), Member of the editorial board at the Journal of International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology (Ukraine), Chief Advisor and Conferment of Fellowship Awards at PAN African Institute for Entrepreneurship and Community Development (Nigeria), and Education Advisor at Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (USA). His research interests are Transdisciplinary, Biomimicry, Sustainable Development, Global Citizenship, Cultural Anthropology, Culture of Peace, Democracy and Governability, Poverty Eradication, Human Rights, Sociology, Philosophy, Epistemology, Arts, Globalization, Co-evolution, Big History, Complexity, and Life. Check more information at:

Mario Madroñero Morillo, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) de Ecuador

Dr. Mario Madroñero Morillo enseignant chercheur à l’Université National d’Éducation (UNAE) Amazonie d’Équateur. Docteur en Anthropologie de l’Université du Cauca. Master en Éthno-littérature et Licence en Philosophie et Lettres à l’Université de Nariño (Colombie). Coordinateur de recherche à l’UNAE Amazonie. Membre du CORPUS Groupe International d’Études Culturels sur le Corps.  E-mail :

Freddy Javier Álvarez González, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE) de Ecuador

Dr. Freddy Javier Álvarez González Recteur de l'Université Nationale de l'Éducation (UNAE) d’Équateur. Docteur en Philosophie de l’Université de Paris 8 (France). Master en Science en Éducation à l’Université de Lyon II (France). Baccalauréat en Sciences de l'Éducation à l’Université de Lyon II. Baccalauréat en Théologie à l’Université de Fribourg (Suisse). E-mail :



How to Cite

Collado-Ruano, J., Madroñero Morillo, M., & Álvarez González, F. J. (2019). Education and Good-Living: Transdisciplinary Skills for Teachers´ Training. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 19(3), e-2216.


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