Towards network governance model that assume the increasing of complexity



The ever growing complexity in today’s society has brought about new necessities of interaction among the distinct social actors, that ascend from the segmentation of the bureaucratic model to the reticular configuration of the "network governance”. This article analyzes the aspects associated with governance on the policies related to social inclusion within the Province of Malaga (Spain). To ascertain whether any correspondence existed with the theory’s envisioned framework it was vital to gain knowledge of the opinions held by the actors associated with these policies. The methodology employed, therefore, consisted in a bibliographic and documental review and in semi-formal interviews with the actors involved as well as the public. The actors consulted demand another way of doing things, one in which they can network in a sustainable manner so as to avoid feeling discredited by a public who perceives their services as uncoordinated.


Governance, Networks, Communication, Integrality


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Author Biography

Joaquín Castillo de Mesa, Universidad de Málaga

Dr. Joaquin Castillo de Mesa ha sido profesor en el Área de Sociología en la Universidad de Málaga desde 2010. Actualmente desempeña su labor en el Área de Trabajo Social de la misma universidad. Es miembro del grupo de investigación Calidad de Vida e Intervención  Organizacional y Comunitaria (HUM-590). Recientemente ha estado como Visiting Scholar en la Universidad Anglia Ruskin (Cambridge, Inglaterra) y en la Universidad de Berkeley (California, Estados Unidos). Sus publicaciones incluyen interés por la innovación social, las redes sociales, la detección de comunidades, combinando metodologías cualitativas y cuantitativas.



How to Cite

Castillo de Mesa, J. (2019). Towards network governance model that assume the increasing of complexity. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 19(1), e–2350.


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