The spiritual code of self-help: the negative happiness


  • Helena Béjar Universidad Complutense


The following article is a critical analysis of the contemporary self-help literature centered upon reaching happiness. I analyze the self-help literature of what I have called the negative route to happiness. Happiness here is identified with lack of inner troubles, as tranquility. This route is opposed to the positive one, that I consider the primary moral language on happiness, theorized by positive psychology. Contrariwise, the negative route is a secondary moral language, and it is related to the self-spiritualities. I follow the work of Norbert Elias, and his analysis of the different codes of behavior. I analyze the legitimations or justifications of the mandates. I study the influences of spiritual self-help, such as positive psychology, neobudism and neuroscience. I also analyze the directions about emotional self-control and style of thinking, and its inner tensions. This self-help produces a motley and contradictory notion of the self, and the recommendations directed to reach happiness in its negative sense.


Happiness, Spirituality, Self-help, Mindfulness

Author Biography

Helena Béjar, Universidad Complutense

Catedrática de Sociología en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Master of Philosophy por la University of West-London. Doctora por la UCM. Ha sido Visiting Scholar en las universidades de The New School for Social Research, Nueva York; Berkeley, (California) y Penn University (Filadelfia, Pensilvania). Autora de El ámbito íntimo. (Madrid: Alianza, 1989), finalista al Premio Nacional de Ensayo; La cultura del yo. (Madrid: Alianza, 1993); El corazón de la república. (Barcelona: Paidós, 2000); El mal samaritano (Barcelona: Anagrama, 2001), finalista al Premio Anagrama de Ensayo, Identidades inciertas: Zygmunt Bauman. (Barcelona: Herder, 2007) y La dejación de España. (Nacionalismo y pertenencia) (Madrid, Buenos Aires: Katz, 2007).




How to Cite

Béjar, H. (2018). The spiritual code of self-help: the negative happiness. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 18(3), e–2339.


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