"At home while you can." Discursive construction of home attachment in elderly people



The bond established between older people and their homes is a central concern in psychology. This study approaches to the phenomenon through discourse analysis on how place attachment is attributed to telecare users in Spain. The aim is to offer an approach to how place attachment is produced through talk during given interactions. The data come from a series of focus groups conducted in Catalonia (Spain). Three topics are derived from the analysis. The definition of home attachment as the desire to remain at home in old age is predominant. The analysis focuses in such a topic. The meanings associated to it is deepened, highlighting the discursive strategies with which two groups of actors produce it. Attention is drawn to both the interpretive repertoires integrating such strategies and their discursive functions.


Aging in Place, Discourse Analysis, Home, Place Attachment, Telecare

Author Biography

Juan C. Aceros, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Escuela de Trabajo Social

Juan Carlos Aceros is psychologist. He received his master's degree in Social Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in 2007. He carried out his doctoral research in the same university, and he obtained his PhD in Social Psychology in 2013. His dissertation dealt with the framing and shaping of the 'public' in 'public participation', which is one of his main fields of research. Other topics in which Juan Carlos has been making research during the last ten years are the collective identity in social movements, and the way practices of telecare are challenging older people identities and later life. He was grasping such topics as part of his involvement with three research projects funded by the Spanish government, and developed by the Research Group for Social Studies in Science and Technology (GESCIT-UAB).



How to Cite

Aceros, J. C. (2018). "At home while you can." Discursive construction of home attachment in elderly people. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(3), e-2093. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.2093


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