Academic writing: 14 useful tips



On this I paper I provide 14 tips to improve academic writing. I argue that problems to write academically stem firstly from a weak training and secondly from an attempt by authors to sustain a pose that ties academic writing to grandiloquence and obscurity. Given that those problems are socially determined, they are open to be formalized, tackled and overcome. I take an epistemologically antirealist standpoint, therefore academic writing takes a central role. My proposal is to write simply and it does not intend to be superior in any way to those other aesthetical stances that academic writing embodies. Every tip consists of a wide treatment of the problem at hand, some examples and a series of practical guidelines.


Academic writing, Scientific writing, Academic text, Paper

Author Biography

Javier Ernesto Bassi Follari, Universidad Andrés Bello

Javier Bassi es psicólogo (Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina, 2000) y doctor en psicología social (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 2008). Sus áreas de interés son la epistemología, la sociología de la ciencia y las metodologías cualitativas. Actualmente reside en Valparaíso (Chile) y trabaja en la Universidad Andrés Bello y en la Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 



How to Cite

Bassi Follari, J. E. (2017). Academic writing: 14 useful tips. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 17(2), 95–147.


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