Sociocybernetics: tensions between complex systems, social systems and complexity sciences


  • Gastón Becerra Universidad de Buenos Aires


This paper present a short introductory review of “sociocybernetics” —the exploration of social problems and phenomena as social systems— as a field where different tensions between traditions and programs (both within and from outside of sociology) coexist. This essay consists of 3 parts: first the background and origins of sociocybernetics are introduced; the second part presents two particular sociocybernetic programs: Rolando Garcia’s Theory of Complex Systems (TSC for its Spanish acronyms) and Niklas Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems (TSS); in the third part some convergences and divergences are discussed between what “complexity” means for this approach and these programs, and the so-call "complexity sciences".


Sociocybernetics, Social systems theory, Complex systems theory, Complexity sciences

Author Biography

Gastón Becerra, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Lic. en sociología (UBA); Doctorando en filosofía (área de epistemología). Docente de la carrera de sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina



How to Cite

Becerra, G. (2016). Sociocybernetics: tensions between complex systems, social systems and complexity sciences. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 16(3), 81–104.


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