Media and identification processes: a ritual and dramatic construction


  • Salomé Sola-Morales Universidad de Santiago de Chile


The present theoretical paper analyzes the way mediatic communication construct identifications. The thesis proposed is that the media configure ritually and dramatically identifications made by individuals and groups. First of all, we show the limitations of the concept of “identity” and we propose to use “identification” instead. Second, we explore the extent of social drama theory and role theory and we open it to new theoretical challenges and perspectives. Thirdly, it is shown that the concept of "ritual" is very useful to understand and interpret the identity construction through the media. All this leads us to conclude that both the theatricality and rituality are key to understanding the processes of identification that individuals and groups make in relation to the media.


Theatricality, Ritual, Identification, Media

Author Biography

Salomé Sola-Morales, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Associated Professor.

Escuela de Periodismo.

Universidad de Santiago de Chile



How to Cite

Sola-Morales, S. (2016). Media and identification processes: a ritual and dramatic construction. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 16(2), 247–269.


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