Youth political participation and gender constitution: a question for developmental psychology


  • Maria Cláudia Santos Lopes De Oliveira Universidade de Brasília
  • Adriana Almeida Camilo Universidade de Brasília


The predominant modes of subjectivity in contemporary youth, defined according to consumption, may collaborate for the preponderance of forms of subjective organization not committed with the social and political participation. This paper focuses on discussing the role of political participation to the subjective constitution and citizenship construction of adolescents and youth. The relationship between identity and political commitment are discussed considering two case studies extracted of data of a previous research project in the field of gender diversity. The focus of the analysis is to understand if and how the experience within political activism acts over developmental trajectories and constitution of subjectivity of activists, considering narratives of self-presentation, in interview settings.


Youth, Political Commitment, Identity, Human Development

Author Biographies

Maria Cláudia Santos Lopes De Oliveira, Universidade de Brasília

Psicóloga, professora Adjunto do Departamento de Psicologia Escolar e do Desenvolvimento da Universidade de Brasília edo Programa de Pós-graduação em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde. Pesquisas sobre adolescência e juventude no contexto contemporâneo.

Adriana Almeida Camilo, Universidade de Brasília

Psicóloga do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios, Mestre em Processos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Saúde pela Universidade de Brasília, Especialista em Psicologia Clínica na Abordagem Gestáltica



How to Cite

Lopes De Oliveira, M. C. S., & Camilo, A. A. (2014). Youth political participation and gender constitution: a question for developmental psychology. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 14(2), 95–115.


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