Visualization technology in neuropsychological research: A case study on corporal imaginary


  • Heidi Figueroa Sarriera Universidad de Puerto Rico


Psychology, as a discipline, adopts a dualistic imaginary of the body: as a porous yet closed boundary. Therefore, accessing the "truth" of the subject requires all sorts of techniques and tools. The psychological discourse often considers these devices in exteriority of the subject. As a counterpoint, I propose that the artifacts are a constituent part of the corporal imaginary. The argument compares the Skinner Air Crib and Gesell’s Laboratory, two inventions of the mid-twentieth century, and a XXI century neuropsychological research about the location of the self. In the first two cases, the body is constructed as a porous barrier that participates within hygienic parameters, both operating and optimizing individual performance and military metaphors that has shaped social policy practices. The discussion of the neuropsychological research, as a case study, does not intend to question the results of the research from the neuropsychological field. It points towards those understandings and assumptions that reveal the connection of the neuropsychological discourse with its cultural context. Special attention is paid to gender construction, ways of mediating scientific knowledge, the hybridity between the neuropsychological reductionism of the scientific framing and the entertainment industry; as well as to the new forms of identity formation and the complementarity of the visuals and performance in the contemporary scene.



Technology, Psychology, Neuropsychology, Discourse

Author Biography

Heidi Figueroa Sarriera, Universidad de Puerto Rico

Heidi J. Figueroa Sarriera es Catedrática del Departamento de Psicologìa en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras. Posee un doctorado en Psicología Social Comunitaria de esta misma Universidad. Su línea de investigación aborda las relaciones entre las tecnologías digitales, la transformación de la vida cotidiana, el imaginario del cuerpo y la subjetividad. En esta área ha coeditado Más allá de la bella (in)diferencia  y otras escrituras posibles (1994), The Cyborg Handbook (1995)  y otros. Ha publicado varios capítulos en libros y revistas  a nivel internacional. Es coeditora de la revista Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales, (, una publicación periódica (semestral) online de carácter abierto promovida actualmente por el grupo de investigación Cibersomosaguas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Su  último libro en proceso se titula, Imaginarios de sujeto en la era digital: Proyectos post-identitarios contemporáneos.





How to Cite

Figueroa Sarriera, H. (2013). Visualization technology in neuropsychological research: A case study on corporal imaginary. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 13(3), 3–20.


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