Clown's Way: resistance in movement. Play, Carnival and Frontier


  • Carlos Diz Reboredo Universidad de A Coruña


Through the clown's way we will look around the play logic in culture, or the culture seeing as a play itself. From an ethnographical and experimental approach to the clown and circus's world we will use this text to understand the different forms of resistance that are emerging in the postmodern era from the most intimate spheres, from the common that we all share. Clown's way will bring us from the big top to the street, from the private familiar side to the public and communal experience, and we will analyze the tactics of play, seeing as relational, communicational and learning forms. Behind the mask and the make-up lies the cultural production and social building of new subjects who are incorporated by the new social movements, who are turning circus and carnival into new playful territories of experience, claims and freedom.



Play, Resistance, Subject

Author Biography

Carlos Diz Reboredo, Universidad de A Coruña

Recién superado el DEA, inicio la etapa de tesis en el programa de doctorado "Lenguaje, Ciencia y Antropología", perteneciente al departamento de Humanidades da la UDC (Universidade de Coruña). Mi proyecto de investigación lleva por título: "Formas de resistencia, producción de sujetos y grupos alternativos. Una etnografía multisituada a través del humor, el arte y el juego en redes y colectivos europeos".



How to Cite

Diz Reboredo, C. (2011). Clown’s Way: resistance in movement. Play, Carnival and Frontier. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 11(2), 157–171.


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