Cultural and legal accounts of rape


  • Panagiota Koulianou-Manolopoulou
  • Concepción Fernández Villanueva Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The present paper attempts to show how rape is represented in a variety of historical and contemporary discourses. Examples of rapes in Greek mythology, in the Bible, in medieval iconography, in literature, and in scientific theories, are compared and contrasted. Analysis suggests that such discourses tend to make sexual aggression (and specifically the rape of women) legitimate, be it by minimizing the harm done; by normalizing and naturalizing sexual violence; or by aesthetisizing rape as art. Finally, the paper argues that putting modern legal accounts of rape into their historical perspective brings into sharper focus the persistence of ancient myths and discourses. 


Relatos culturales, Legitimación violencia sexista, Códigos legales, Cultural accounts, Legitimation of sexist violence, Legal codes

Author Biographies

Panagiota Koulianou-Manolopoulou

Diplomada en psicología social (London school of economics and political science) Master of science in applied social psychology (the university of wales institute of science and technology) y Doctora en psicologia social. Mención honorífica especial “doctorado europeo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

Concepción Fernández Villanueva, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora de Psicología Social y directora del Departamento de Psicología social de la Universidad Complutense (Madrid). .Entre sus publicaciones podemos destacar los libros La mujer ante la administración de justicia (1987) Jóvenes violentos(1998)La igualdad de oportunidades (2003) y Psicologías sociales en el umbral del siglo XXI (2004)y diversos artículos sobre identidad y violencia, violencia de genero y violencia y televisión.



How to Cite

Koulianou-Manolopoulou, P., & Fernández Villanueva, C. (2008). Cultural and legal accounts of rape. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, (14), 1–20.


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