The Round Table: University, knowledge and apprenticeship


  • Albert Farré i Cobos Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This article is an experiment in academic writing: I shall give a research report in free narrative. The narrative vehicle is an (imaginary) radio programme in which three  presenters, and their customary guests, discuss topics on a weekly basis.  I shall try to keep a balance between  the needs of narration on the one hand, and the requirements of a research report on the other. The language will be plainer, and the structure will be more conversational. The topic of the report is a study (originally done as part of the qualitative methods course at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) of students' perceptions of academic knowledge and academic learning. The data were three semi-structured interviews, whose transcripts have been adapted so as better to serve the requirements of the narration.


Pràctiques Analítiques Creatives, Creative analytical practices



How to Cite

Farré i Cobos, A. (2007). The Round Table: University, knowledge and apprenticeship. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, (12), 305–314.


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