Love in the time of posthumanism


  • Vicente Diaz Gandasegui Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


This article analyzes the relationship between humans and technological simulations according to three recent audiovisual productions: Her, Ex Machina and Be Right Back. Their images and arguments illustrate the current uncertainties about technological development, projecting a future in which the concerns are particularly focused on the simulation of human beings. Simultaneously, these fictional beings show, in the audiovisual productions analyzed, their adaptation to the society in which we live, with a superior ability to process and store information. However, in the two films and the episode examined, the singularity, the possibility of being controlled and dominated by machines, acquires a new meaning, replacing the collective confrontation against technology with different versions in which the machines determined to be independent peacefully, are confined to isolation or are release in order to survive.


Simulation, Machines, Technology, Singularity


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Author Biography

Vicente Diaz Gandasegui, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Profesor Visitante Lector

Departamento de Análisis Social



How to Cite

Diaz Gandasegui, V. (2019). Love in the time of posthumanism. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 19(1), e-2231.


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