Changing metaphors in social psychology of public action: From intervention to involvement


  • Antar Martínez Guzmán Universidad de Colima


The notion of psychosocial intervention has become a common place in social psychology and related disciplines seeking to put the knowledge into practice in concrete social projects. Its widespread and ordinary use has helped this notion, as a discursive dispositive for conceiving and organizing action, to escape almost entirely from theoretical problematisation and critical reflection. In this paper I examine the notion of intervention through the lens of metaphor and analyze its implications for the conception and construction of the practices to which it refers. Afterward I suggest involvement as an alternative metaphor that moves away from the interventionist logic of action and helps us to think action in a different frame, which includes three aspects: the professional/researcher position in the social scenario, the relation between the actors, and conception of knowledge and action in a social transformation project.


Psychosocial intervention, Metaphor, Involvement, Applied social psychology

Author Biography

Antar Martínez Guzmán, Universidad de Colima

Doctor en Psicología Social por Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Profesor en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Colima (México). Miembro del grupo Fractalidades en Investigación Crítica (FIC). Sus intereses académicos incluyen la Psicología Social Crítica, la Psicología Discursiva, las identidades transgénero, el desarrollo de metodologías cualitativas de investigación y las tecnologías disciplinarias de intervención y participación social.



How to Cite

Martínez Guzmán, A. (2014). Changing metaphors in social psychology of public action: From intervention to involvement. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 14(1), 3–28.


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