Reflections for a feminist anti-racist pedagogy in dialogue with masculinities



We discuss fictionalized stories from interventions with young people in public socioeducational care programs. Based on these encounters as well as those of authors such as Lélia Gonzalez, bell hooks and Françoise Vergès, we suggest possible articulations between anti-racist feminisms and masculinities. From memories and stories brought on the palm of the hand, we enunciate a writing politics that, at the same time in which the body-researcher narrates stories about and with the young people, questions their black woman body in a perspective implicated with the potency of insurgency against ways of racist and sexist oppression. We bet on a feminist anti-racist perspective implicated with the dismantling of patriarchy’s and colonialism’s systemic violences, whose oppressions have an impact on black men and women, although in distinct ways. Thus, we defend feminist dialogues in the direction of building non-violent masculinities.


Feminismo, Racismo, Juventude, Socioeducação


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How to Cite

Silva, A. K. da, Hüning, S. M., & Tittoni, J. (2024). Reflections for a feminist anti-racist pedagogy in dialogue with masculinities. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 24(3), e3565.


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