Retaining talent in healthcare: a solution to a current problem



The aim of this research is to analyze the proposed actions suggested by healthcare personnel in Catalonia to retain expertise and tackle the loss of talent due to retirement in the healthcare sector. Eight focus groups (68 healthcare professionals) were conducted and received an interpretational analysis following the assumptions of Grounded Theory. The results show the existence of two categories in the strategic management of talent in healthcare that, through a set of actions, provide solutions to avoid the loss of current and future healthcare personnel. The first category, Strategic Actions, refers to the necessary actions to understand the current context, the needs of society and healthcare professionals. The second category, Organizational Solutions, emphasizes actions aimed at attracting, integrating, evaluating, developing, and recognizing the talent of the individuals who configure the institutions.


Strategic management, Talent, Retention, Health policy, Retirement


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How to Cite

Martínez-González, M. ., Monreal-Bosch, P., & Selva Olid, C. (2023). Retaining talent in healthcare: a solution to a current problem. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 23(2), e3385.


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