How Innovation Emerges in Collectivities of Online Collaborative Learning



In this article we analyze the framework of participation in a dataset composed of 30 hours of online sessions between undergraduate students, their professors and international experts in innovation and entrepreneurship. We present a multimodal interaction of verbal and body language for the analysis of moment-by-moment social interaction events in collaborative online learning contexts, focusing on the way participants interact with verbal and non-verbal expression.

It has been possible to identify the links between participants in interactive processes that follow similar patterns and structures. For example, innovation is shown in collaborative and distributed situations of structured work groups that encourage dynamics to encourage the exchange of knowledge and ideas. Thanks to multimodal interaction analysis, it is possible to explore innovative group processes and gain new insights into how these processes emerge in collaborative groups.


Educational innovations, Online Learning, Qualitative analysis, Conversation Analysis, Multimodal Interaction


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How to Cite

Belli, S. (2023). How Innovation Emerges in Collectivities of Online Collaborative Learning. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 23(1), e3038.


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