The aesthetic and political fabulation of the daily life of trans women in the photographic image



The fabulative power of images, according to Jacques Rancière, lies in the interval operations which produce displacements, unforeseen events and new dispositions in the scenes of appearance and dissensus which configure the sensitive order of politics. He shows how the "random moment" can change the readability and distribution of times and spaces that configure the appearance of vulnerable subjects. The objective of this article is to show, through the analysis of certain photographic images of the exposition “Elas, Madalenas” (Lucas Ávila, 2014), how transsexual women crack the systems of judgment and normative control when they appear on images. This appearance is possible by the work of a fabulative figuration which invent a form of life whose power lies in the enunciative and dissensual act which refuses to respond to pre-established expectations. The image creates an operation to upset the explanatory control over the political appearance of the experience.


Photography, Fabulation, Transgendered women, Appearance


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How to Cite

Salgueiro Marques, Ângela C., & Máximo Prado, M. A. (2022). The aesthetic and political fabulation of the daily life of trans women in the photographic image. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 22(2), e3107.


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