The Plantation in Apocalypse Now Redux. Survivals and historical Transformations of a Genre


  • Rayco González Universidad de Burgos


This article explores the recovery of a fundamental genre of American cultural history, “the Plantation Novel”, in the sequence of Francis Ford Coppola’s new cut of Apocalypse Now Redux (2001). By ironically reclaiming some of its commonplaces, Coppola succeeds in attributing new significance to the end of the Vietnam War, an event that had great significance in recent American history. Using the tools of the semiotics of culture, the analysis also aims to elaborate an analytical framework to describe the functionality that this operation of reviving genres from the past can have for the historical present.


Apocalypse Now Redux, Plantation Tradition, Semiotics, History


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Author Biography

Rayco González, Universidad de Burgos

Rayco González imparte semiótica en la Universidad de Burgos y es miembro del Grupo de Estudios de Semiótica de la Cultura (GESC). Realiza sus estudios entre Francia, Italia y España, en instituciones como la Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) o el Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e Linguistica (Urbino). Ha participado en dos proyectos de I+D y ha publicado en numerosas revistas científicas internacionales.



How to Cite

González, R. (2022). The Plantation in Apocalypse Now Redux. Survivals and historical Transformations of a Genre. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 22(1), e2994.


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