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Messianic Epic in «The Lord of the Rings» and «Game of Thrones»



«The Lord of the Rings» is surely the most important and influential epic work of the 20th Century. In addition to its intrinsic value, Tolkien’s work set the generic parameters of the fantasy novel, inspiring the subsequent birth of various literary universes. In the Tolkien epic, as it is known, the basilar influence of Christianity is recognized. The recent audiovisual phenomenon «Game of Thrones», deeply rooted in postmodern cultural uses, proposes a radically opposite reading of the fantasy genre, of the axiology of the characters and political morality. However, both bodies converge in the multidimensional use of messianic narrative patterns. In this text, I intend to succinctly identify these guidelines and analyze them from and interdisciplinary perspective. In conclusion, I maintain the nuclear importance of the messianic narrative in the plot and historical-contextual configuration of the works of Tolkien and George R. R. Martin.


Christianity, The Lord of the Rings, Political Philosophy, Game of Thrones, Myth


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Author Biography

Carlos De Domingo Soler, Universidad Hemisferios

Docente Investigador de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Hemisferios (Quito, Ecuador). Profesor Titular de "Teoría General del Estado" y "Filosofía Política".




How to Cite

De Domingo Soler, C. (2021). Messianic Epic in «The Lord of the Rings» and «Game of Thrones». Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 21(3), e2975.


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