Spectacle, positive alienation and immanent subjectivity


  • Vidal Labajos Sebastian Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Universidad de Buenos Aires.


This article accounts for the specificity of Guy Debord's theoretical proposal, in particular his concepts of spectacle, alienation and subjectivity. Through the lens of the new readings of Marx, I analyze comparatively Debord's work in order to point out his internal tensions and theoretical potentialities. First, I argue that a multilateral analysis of the concept of spectacle focusing on its complexity and polysemy allows for a novel and more sophisticated approach to Debord's proposal. In addition, following Moishe Postone's challenge of the idea of labour as a transhistorical human activity, I discuss Debord's negative notion of alienation and his transcendent concept of subjectivity. Finally, I argue that this critical review of Debord's main concepts allows a historically situated redefinition of the notions of subjectivity, alienation and social conflict that liberates critical thinking from the need of an ahistorical foundation.


Spectacle, Alienation, Subjectivity, Conflict


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How to Cite

Labajos Sebastian, V. (2021). Spectacle, positive alienation and immanent subjectivity. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 21(2), e-2779. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.2779


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