Communal, collaborative and free: lessons of free culture for social research



Informationalism has come to define a paradigm that encompasses new technical capacities for data production and processing. Based on a broader neoliberal framework, academic activity is also leveraged by technological development and production dynamics of present times. This context has resulted in critiques of universities’ elitization due to the acceleration of work processes and the reproduction of social inequalities. In this essay, we rely on free culture values to develop four premises that subvert the dominant dynamics of knowledge production and subsequently facilitate a political interpretation of social research practices. These strategies reformulate and debate current academic labor, as follows: the use of free software; the public availability of research results; the collective construction of knowledge; and the commitment to social transformation.


Free software, Action research, Science, Social research, University


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Author Biography

Dafne Calvo, Universidad de Valladolid

Investigadora predoctoral en Comunicación digital por la Universidad de Valladolid. Su tesis aborda la cultura libre y la participación política digital.



How to Cite

Calvo, D. (2021). Communal, collaborative and free: lessons of free culture for social research. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 21(2), e–2788.


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