Título en inglésIndexing and Impact Factor: Academia and Its Black Boxes



The aim of this paper is to analyse the Impact Factor (IF) of scientific publications as a process which combines technical and social dimensions. Technical dimensions are related to decisions and debates in bibliometric field. Social dimensions are referred to the sociohistorical context where technical dimensions are included in. In this context, concepts about science, scientific policies or knowledge and universities management are crucial factors. According to this, IF is studied as a sociotechnical invention. Theoretically, I use the concept of Black Box to illustrate the construction and objectification of IF as a process in which social, cultural and intellectual components are obscured.


Scientific publication, Scientific administration, Bibliogy, Impact factor, Sociology of knowledge


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Author Biography

Fernando Ampudia de Haro, Universidade Europeia - Lisboa Centro de Investigações e Estudos em Sociologia (CIES) - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Doctor en Sociología (Universidad Complutense, UCM) con Premio Extraordinario. Máster en Economía Social y Solidaria (ISCTE-IULisboa). Licenciado en Sociología (UCM). Profesor Auxiliar en la Universidad Europeia (Lisboa) e Investigador Integrado en CIES-IULisboa. Líneas de investigación: procesos civilizatorios y descivilizatorios, pautas y dispositivos de regulación conductual y emocional, estudios de gubernamentalidad.



How to Cite

Ampudia de Haro, F. (2021). Título en inglésIndexing and Impact Factor: Academia and Its Black Boxes. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 21(1), e–2752. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.2752


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