The Chilean electric problem. A case study of sociotechnical controversy (1935-1939)



In this article, we study controversies about the creation of an electric network in Chile that a group of engineers in Chile had between 1935 and 1939. They came from conferences given in the Institute of Engineers of Chile. Our primary aim is to prove that these controversies (centered in the role of State, market and infrastructure in the development of the national electric grid in Chile) defined a national power state policy. These discussions also show the deployment of a socio-technical network and the role that the engineers had in State’s policies. In this way, we address a typical case of science and technology studies to highlight the links of the political and the technical in the ambit of electrification. For this article, we principally based on primary sources of the state administration and articles from the journal Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile.


History of technology, Electricity, Controversies, Electrical Engineering, CORFO


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Author Biographies

José Eduardo Soto Vejar

Licenciado en Historia, Universidad de Chile

Carlos Sanhueza Cerda, Universidad de Chile

Doctor en Historia de la Universidad de Hamburgo, Alemania. Profesor del departamento de Ciencias Históricas, Universidad de Chile. Su principal área de interés es la historia de la ciencia durante los siglos XIX y XX, especialmente relativo al estudio de la circulación de viajeros y saberes entre América Latina, Europa, y América del Norte. Actualmente está realizando una investigación referida a la observación astronómica en el siglo XIX con un financiamiento FONDECYT Regular y como Investigador Asociado al Max Planck Institut para la Historia de la Ciencia en Berlín, Alemania.



How to Cite

Soto Vejar, J. E., & Sanhueza Cerda, C. (2020). The Chilean electric problem. A case study of sociotechnical controversy (1935-1939). thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 20(3), e–2543.


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