Proscribed communities. A reflection on the possibilities of virtual ethnography


  • Álvaro Suárez-Vergne Universidad complutense de Madrid


Frequent users of profane and socially damn practices meet each other in the online world, forming communities that would hardly have emerged outside the network. Through virtual ethnography it is possible to have an unique knowledge about these phenomena. However, because of their peculiarities and virtual ethnography's itself, it is necessary a methodological reflection. In this article different issues are examined, such as the field of observation, ethnographic logic, the debate between documentary revision and digital ethnography, and the authenticity of results. The suitability of ethnography for the described research object type becomes obvious, as the need of keeping a prudent epistemological surveillance and a permanent reflection about the role of the investigator and ethical issues. Internet is not only a new scenery for applying the ethnographic method but also a great chance for rethinking ethnography.


Virtual Ethnography, Methodology, Netnography


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Author Biography

Álvaro Suárez-Vergne, Universidad complutense de Madrid

Doctorando en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid



How to Cite

Suárez-Vergne, Álvaro. (2020). Proscribed communities. A reflection on the possibilities of virtual ethnography. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 20(1), e-2236.


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