Hybridity or ambiguity? The conception of the “mediation” in the pragmatics and dialectical sociology
This paper studies how is conceived the “mediation” in the pragmatic sociology proposes by Bruno Latour and by Antoine Hennion. Even with their differences, in both this notion constitutes a fundamental ground of their respective perspectives, reason why its analysis will allow us to discuss with their theories. Particularly, we will focus in theirs questioning of the “critical sociology”, because in this one, in its dialectical tradition, the mediation is a key category too. The thesis of this text is that the potentiality of this notion for a socio-cultural research is lost when it is established a point placed (more imply that explicitly) outside of such relation of the mediation. Whether it is about hybrids (Latour), mediators (Hennion) or subjective participation (critical sociology). The work ends by outlining a conception that radicalizes such mediation, catching socio-cultural phenomena in their ambiguity.Keywords
Description, Subjective Meaning, Consequences, ReflexivityReferences
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