From empowerment to prehension: an analysis of social programs from actor-newtork theory


  • Jorge Castillo Sepúlveda Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • María Inés Winkler Müller Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Héctor Berroeta Torres Universidad de Valparaíso


Empowerment has been promoted by government programs as a strategic enclave of social development. In conventional terms, it is understood as a process of taking power, promoting autonomy and responsibility in the face of socio-cultural conditions. In this paper, we propose a variation of that perspective using actor-network theory as an analytical perspective. From the description of the relationships between practices and technical entities exposed by designers, professionals and users of three social programs in Chile, we expose how these can be understood as heterogeneous assemblages in which are articulated new capacities for involved agents. In that sense, instead of being an eminently social process, we expose empowerment as the emerging agency in socio-technical mediation processes. At last, according to the concept proposed by A. N. Whitehead, we indicate how such a process formulated in human and non-human relations can be understood as prehension.


Social programs, Empowerment, Actor-network theory, Prehension


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Author Biography

Jorge Castillo Sepúlveda, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Doctor en Psicología Social, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

Máster en Investigación en Psicología Social, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Profesor Asistente Jornada Completa, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Programa de Atracción e Inserción de Capital Humano Avanzado, CONICYT, Chile.





How to Cite

Castillo Sepúlveda, J., Winkler Müller, M. I., & Berroeta Torres, H. (2019). From empowerment to prehension: an analysis of social programs from actor-newtork theory. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 19(3), e-1833.


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