From noise to silence in the architectural ruins of the Andes: The Yeso worker-military ex-camp
We analyze the transformation of the architectural work in ruin, through a process of action of nature and time de-composed the work built on fragments, emerging dichotomies and dualities intrinsic to its essence, such as deterioration and beauty; presence and absence; memory and forgetting; reality and fiction; freedom and dangerous. Thus, the ruins are a new landscape that is not properly human or actual natural, but joint action, a sculptural and archaeological landscape, understanding that the fragments that compose it are able to reinterpret its essence, revealing a sense of human continuity. In rural areas the ruins sleep without urgency or time in the "silence" of forgetfulness, social sympathy, creating a mysterious playful and aesthetic space. Analyze a former worker-military camp in the Andes, where the dichotomies and dualities manifest themselves in a work-abandoned face the action of nature, peering into a timeless and indeterminate future.Keywords
Dichotomies, Dualities, Ruins, LandscapesPublished
How to Cite
Gallardo Frías, L., & Torres Gilles, C. (2018). From noise to silence in the architectural ruins of the Andes: The Yeso worker-military ex-camp. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(3), e-2063.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Laura Gallardo Frías, Claudia Torres Gilles
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.