Memory, Gender and Body: Notes for the composition of new memory patterns


  • Eyleen Faure Bascur Universidad Gabriela Mistral


The articulation between memory and gender can enter a narrative change within the field of memories, with high political projections. In this sense, arises a reflection from the theoretical (theory of performativity in replacement of the concept of representation), both from the cultural and political as propositional elements as a critical joint contributing to discussions about the political memory of recent history in Chile. Disruption of the plots in the public field of memories, would make it possible to think in the elaboration of subversive or critical, memory stories that transcend the space of the trauma or the rituals of remembrance on the public; the official memory or the collection of facts.


Memory, Body-Gender, Memory stories

Author Biography

Eyleen Faure Bascur, Universidad Gabriela Mistral

Historiadora. Magíster (c) en estudios de Género y Cultura. Docente Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Campo de estudio: Memoria y género, Psicología social y memoria.



How to Cite

Faure Bascur, E. (2018). Memory, Gender and Body: Notes for the composition of new memory patterns. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(3), e-1930.


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