Racialized Narratives and Politics of Memory in the Testimony of an afrodescendant in Chile


  • Paulina Monserrat Barrenechea Universidad de Concepción Universidad del Bío Bío


This paper aims to put in Chilean literary historiography a manuscript found in the Valley of Azapa (Arica), which summarizes various literary events as décimas, songs and testimonies written by an African American farmer from the early twentieth century. So far, no finding relating to this documentary, so this article is intended, from a biopolitics lecture, build an initial theoretical input to the manuscript platform for future research in the field of cultural and literary studies. Not only is it interesting what is sounds in this group of compositions as rescue popular literary tradition of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; but also, it implies the need to take and build a theoretical locus incorporating marginalized subjectivities by the national narrative subjectivities through racialization processes that sustain the politics of memory in Chile.


Chilean Literature, Racial Narratives, Memory Policies, Identities

Author Biography

Paulina Monserrat Barrenechea, Universidad de Concepción Universidad del Bío Bío

Actualmente me encuentro vinculada a a la carrera Pedagogía en Castellano y Comunicación de la Universidad de BioBio, a los programas de Diplomado del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Santiago y al programa de Magister en Arte y Patrimonio de la Universidad de Concepción.



How to Cite

Barrenechea, P. M. (2018). Racialized Narratives and Politics of Memory in the Testimony of an afrodescendant in Chile. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(2), e1707. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1707


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