First aviator women: a cultural construction between exclusion and ambiguity


  • Beatriz Moncó Rebollo Universidad Complutense de Madrid


The main topic of the article is to present the first pilot women as an example of the dichotomy between tradition and modernity in cultural gender roles. This text has several specific contributions. First, it shows women that meant a new shape of femenin visibility and creativity. An original way of entering into the public space that forced to reconsider previous ideologies and to generate different ways to value and signify them. Second, the text also contributes with another route to show the relationship between women, and science and technology. It proves that this relationship has deeper roots and more varied shapes than it is usually considered. Lastly, this case highlights the instrumentalization that is carried out on women, their knowledge and activities from the patriarchal power through their transmission through specific paths of communication and authority.


Aviation, Cultural pattern, Female body, Gender discourse

Author Biography

Beatriz Moncó Rebollo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora Titular del Departamento arriba indicado. Acreditada a cátedra. Doctora en Antropología Social. 

Experta en antropología del género y antropología de la historia

Coordinadora del Máster en Estudios Feministas de la UCM. Miembros del Instituto de Investigaciones Feminisats  y del Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación de la UCM.

Miembro de la Junta rectora de Genet, Red transversal de Género 




How to Cite

Moncó Rebollo, B. (2018). First aviator women: a cultural construction between exclusion and ambiguity. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(1), 365–384.


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