Social movements as emotional contexts: the emotional drive in the Basque linguistic movement


  • Ane Larrinaga Renteria Universidad del Paísvasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


This article is a reflection on some of the functions that the emotions perform in constructing and maintaining the collective action of social movements in the long term. Based on a case study, we applied the conceptual instrument known as “Frame Analysis” to the successive discursive frames produced by the linguistic movement of the Basque Country between the 1980s and the first decade of 2000. With the aid of qualitative techniques, consisting in in-depth interviews conducted with qualified activists of the movement and an analysis of documents it produced, we identified the emotional contexts associated with the discourses and meanings generated by the movement at different times. Activation of the emotional components aided both the movement’s internal solidarity and external adhesion and, in short, favored the long-term sustainability of an increasingly institutionalized and professionalized movement.


Emotions, Social Movements, Discursive Frames, Basque Linguistic Movement

Author Biography

Ane Larrinaga Renteria, Universidad del Paísvasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

 Ane Larrinaga Renteria

Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Departamento de Sociología y  Trabajo Social

Doctora en Sociología y CC. Política. Profesora agregada de la UPV/EHU. Investigadora del grupo consolidado de investigación PARTE HARTUZ del sistema universitario vasco, financiado por el Gobierno Vasco, y especializado en temas de democracia participativa, acción colectiva, feminismos, identidades colectivas y etnicidad. Ultimas publicaciones: (2015) “Internationalisation in higher education and its impact in multilingual contexts: redefining identities of Basque-speaking academics”, LANGUAGE, CULTURE AND CURRICULUM vol. 28 [JCR, SCOPUS]; (2016) “Pluralidad política y diversidad cultural. Discursos sobre la educación para la ciudadanía en la sociedad vasca”, PAPERS vol. 101 [SCOPUS].



How to Cite

Larrinaga Renteria, A. (2018). Social movements as emotional contexts: the emotional drive in the Basque linguistic movement. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 18(1), 319–347.


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