Are the tears over? Cultural responses to domestic violence. A case study



In this paper, we study El Huecco’s song “Se acabaron las lágrimas” (The tears are over) with a double objective. On the one hand, we intend to understand how songs, and other cultural manifestations, can be used as a response to given social problems, such as gender-based violence. On the other hand, we intend to identify the discourse strategies which are used in this song to oppose domestic violence, and also to see how these discourse strategies are helpful to establish an emphatic relationship with the audience. To do so, we adopt a multimodal approach which understands the song as a unitary discourse made of different communicative modes (lyrics, music and image, at least in this case). We combine that multimodal approach with Critical Discourse Analysis with the objective of explaining how the identified discourse strategies are used to oppose commonly-held beliefs about the role that women, and men, have in society.


Gender-based Violence, Multimodal Discourse, Critical Discourse Analysis, Song

Author Biographies

Laura Filardo Llamas, Universidad de Valladolid

Su principal área de investigación es el análisis de la transmisión de la ideología desde una perspectiva lingüística, fundamentalmente en el discurso político y cuestiones relativas al género.   Sobre  estos  temas  es  autora  de   numerosas publicaciones  y  comunicaciones  en  congresos,  entre  las  que  cabe  destacar  los artículos   en   las   revistas   Ethnopoliltics   y   Peace   and   ConflictStudies  o   sus contribuciones en los libros Discourse and Politics (Cambridge Scholars Publishing) y Political Discourse  and  Conflict Resolution  (Routledge). 

Cristina Perales García, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Departamento de Comunicación



How to Cite

Filardo Llamas, L., & Perales García, C. (2017). Are the tears over? Cultural responses to domestic violence. A case study. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 17(1), 291–315.


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