The historical development of the fashion system: a theoretical review


  • Antonio Martín-Cabello Department of Communication and Social Sciences, Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)


In this essay I show the main models used to explain the fashion system. I try to describe how these models have always show fashion as a relationship between the fashion system and the general population. To do this, firstly I make a historical tour around the most significant developments of fashion. And secondly I collect the scientific theories that have tried to explain this phenomenon. I conclude that there are three basic theories today which try to explain this relationship: the trickle-down model, the model of subcultural resistance and the virulence or contagion model. All of them are insufficient because they are not made explicit and they present serious analytical shortcomings.


Style, Globalization, Fashion, Youth Subcultures

Author Biography

Antonio Martín-Cabello, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)

Es licenciado y doctor en Sociología. Ha sido profesor en la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (Madrid) e investigador invitado en la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Santiago de Chile), en la Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Alemania) y en la Università delgli Studi Roma ´Tor Vergata´ (Italia). Es miembro del grupo de investigación



How to Cite

Martín-Cabello, A. (2016). The historical development of the fashion system: a theoretical review. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 16(1), 265–289.


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