Politics of fear. Violence and resistances
This text seeks to introduce and present the monograph Politics of fear. Violence and resistance. In it, we account for the main premises concerning the current socio-political context, which motivated us to open this invitation to write. These premises would be the link between public and private violences, that produce a global scenario of generalized and diffused violences; the existence of warlike scenarios that foster violence and fear as part of domination strategies; and the use of fear as part of the neoliberal government practices. We present the themes through which the authors reflect theoretically, analyzing empirically different local resistance experiences of the contemporary world. Finally, we present briefly our understanding of the concepts used to organize his monograph.Keywords
Politics of fear, Violence, Political Violence, ResistancePublished
How to Cite
Piper, I., & Calveiro Garrido, P. (2015). Politics of fear. Violence and resistances. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 15(4), 3–9. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1751
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Copyright (c) 2015 Isabel Piper, Pilar Calveiro Garrido
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