Political content on the recovery of Argentine companies. Notes for a demystifications


  • Susana Díaz Ruiz Universidad de Castilla La Mancha


Amid a backdrop of deep economic crisis like the one that lives Argentina in 2001 produced the highest number of recoveries from the companies in the country. It is a collective response of defensive resistance starring workers to keep their jobs in a situation of extreme necessity, marked by the closure of the company and the difficulties in finding a job in this situation in which they reach unemployment and poverty figures hitherto unknown. The aim of this article is to address the political significance that has the recovery narrative subjectivity that workers have staged through the speeches collected between Chilavert workers, a business chart of Buenos Aires recovered in 2002.


Companies recovered by workers, Collective resistance, Work, Worker self-management

Author Biography

Susana Díaz Ruiz, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha

Departamento de Filosofía, Profesora Ayudante Doctor



How to Cite

Díaz Ruiz, S. (2015). Political content on the recovery of Argentine companies. Notes for a demystifications. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 15(3), 25–46. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1230


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