The school toilet. Some considerations about gender, architecture and education



In this article I propose a topic rarely discussed publicly in education: the design and use of school toilets. Both at home and at school pupils learn to urinate according to the dichotomy "standing (boy) / sitting (girl)”. I analyze the reasons for this division and its consequences, making reference to male resistance to the use of a seat, as a specific construct of masculinity. The text also addresses the separation of school toilets according to gender and points out the implications of this fact, referring in particular to disabled pupils and transgender students. Lastly I describe some new proposals in relation to this topic that are taking place in a school undergoing construction. The article is directed at those interested in gender issues, at educators in general, and at those involved with the architecture of public buildings and of educational facilities in particular.


Gender, Architecture, Education, School toilet

Author Biography

Amelia Barquín, Mondragon Unibertsitatea

Amelia Barquín es doctora en filología y profesora titular de HUHEZI (Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Mondragon Unibertsitatea), donde imparte las materias “Educación intercultural” y “Educación y género”. Sus terrenos de docencia e investigación son: educación intercultural, intervención educativa con alumnos de origen inmigrante, uso no sexista de la lengua, educación y género y literatura sefardí.



How to Cite

Barquín, A. (2015). The school toilet. Some considerations about gender, architecture and education. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 15(1), 303–315.


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