Gender based violence and psychosocial intervention at Quito. Weaving narratives to construct new meanings


  • Paz Guarderas Departament de Psicologia Social Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Very few studies have been done in Ecuador on psychosocial interventions involving gender violence. This article, based on research carried out in Quito with people who have experienced this type of violence, is intended to contribute to the debate on the subject. Through narrative production methodology, we hope to construct new meanings of psychosocial intervention and gender violence. The participants offer conceptions of gender violence that go beyond aspects usually taken into account in the creation of laws and services. They point out that current psychosocial intervention in response to gender violence tends to homogenize women, providing services that reduce these situations to woman/victim-man/perpetrator scenarios.


Psychosocial intervention, Gender violence, Narrative productions

Author Biography

Paz Guarderas, Departament de Psicologia Social Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Psicóloga por la PUC-SP, magíster en psicología social por la UAB. Cursando su doctorado en el Departamento de Psicología Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Ha trabajado en intervención psicosocial en Brasil y Ecuador y como docente en la Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Flacso-Ecuador y Universidad Politécnica Salesiana.



How to Cite

Guarderas, P. (2014). Gender based violence and psychosocial intervention at Quito. Weaving narratives to construct new meanings. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 14(3), 79–103.


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