Foucault or ethics and practice of freedom. To blow up mirages and promote insubordinations


  • Tomás Ibáñez Gracia


This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of Michel Foucault's death and his work remains in force with singular power in the whole of social thought. His concepts and intuitions has not only aged, but seem singularly enhanced within the activism and the modulations of libertarian and anarchist tradition. We review here synthetically and without misleading claims, the foucauldian "invariants" on power, resistance, ethics and politics, and we argue they are a suggestive "toolbox" to blow up mirages and promote insubordination and practices of freedom.


Ethics, Power, Practices of freedom, Subjectivity, Truth effects



How to Cite

Ibáñez Gracia, T. (2014). Foucault or ethics and practice of freedom. To blow up mirages and promote insubordinations. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 14(2), 3–18.


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