The forms of prophecy


  • Rayco González Universidad de Burgos


The prophecy is a kind of text holding therefore its own textual marks, differing from other kinds of texts. In order to do a discursive analysis of it, we must bring a semiotic study of its own possible forms. It includes its intertextual connections, as well as the use of typical tropos and topoi. Our aim is to describe the features of a kind of text that seems to appear in every well-known culture. Our analysis is limited to religious prophecies, showing mainly several examples from Judeo-Christian tradition, but also from other cultures, according to our line of argument. Amongst its features we find the use of allusion, forcing to any addressee to expand all possible interpretations. Likewise the prophecy seems to fulfill the double function of threat/promise, depending on each addressee.


Prophecy, Text, Semiotics

Author Biography

Rayco González, Universidad de Burgos

Rayco González es semiólogo. Realiza sus estudios de licenciatura y doctorado entre Francia, Italia y España. Su investigación de postgrado se realizó en varias de las instituciones más importantes en Europa como la Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) o el Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e Linguistica (Urbino). Se doctora con un estudio del concepto de sospecha, aunque también ha trabajado sobre el juego y el deporte como fenómeno semiótico. Actualmente es profesor de Semiótica, Sociosemiótica y Etnosemiótica en la Universidad de Burgos.



How to Cite

González, R. (2013). The forms of prophecy. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 13(3), 227–242.


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