Focus group: Its application potential in the study of urban acoustic


  • Cabiria Tomat Universitat de Barcelona


Abstract: The focus group technique is used primarily in the social sciences to collect qualitative data and analyze it trough qualitative analysis techniques. The aim of this paper is to examine the usefulness of focus groups in the field of urban acoustic research and to show their use as a technique for collecting quantitative data. After a brief theoretical introduction on definitions and characteristics of the focus group and its relationship in the research with the topic that interests us, then I describe in detail the steps followed in the practical application, the results obtained and how to analyze it, showing, at the same time, the potentialities and the differences compared to the focus group as traditionally known and used.


Focus group, Urban acoustic research, Sound quality

Author Biography

Cabiria Tomat, Universitat de Barcelona

Licenciada en Arquitectura en la Universidad de Venecia (Italia), desde el año 2001 ejerce la profesión de arquitecto. En los últimos años ha ido complementando y enriqueciendo su perfil técnico con una nueva dimensión psico-socio-ambiental. Es miembro activo del grupo LivingLab ‘Energía, Sociedad y Medio Ambiente’ con el que investiga temas relacionados con las tecnologías verdes.



How to Cite

Tomat, C. (2012). Focus group: Its application potential in the study of urban acoustic. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 12(2), 129–152.


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